Hi friends! My name is Lj Miranda, and welcome to my website!
I build things.
I started this site to tell the story of my tech journey. I believe in technology that is open, enabling, and life-giving. I aspire to usher that potential—even for just a tiny bit. But, there is still a long way to go, and this site records my progress.
Here, you’ll find some of my thoughts, works, and notes on software development, machine learning, and research. I hope you’ll spend a nice time here, so go grab yourself a coffee and feel free to look around!
Short background
Lj Miranda specializes in natural language processing with over five years of
experience in consulting, open-source development, and research. He helped
maintain notable open-source libraries such as spaCy and Pyswarms. He dabbles
in game development during his free time.
Other links
- Game Dev: games I developed using Godot and PICO-8.
- Game Boy Camera Photos: photos taken using a Game Boy Camera.
- Micro Blog: micro-blog for “today I learned” (TIL) posts and tweets.
Lester James V. Miranda
Seattle, WA
Email: ljvmiranda [at] gmail [dot] com
Curriculum Vitae (PDF)