

Burnout Barometer is built on Go and packaged into a single binary.

You can get the barometer executable from the Releases page. For the latest version, follow the instructions below.

  1. First, specify your operating system in the OS environment variable. Choose between linux, windows, or darwin:

     export OS=<my-operating-system>  # [linux|windows|darwin]
  2. Then download the executable:

     curl -s \
     | grep "barometer-amd64-${OS}" \
     | cut -d '"' -f 4 \
     | wget -i - 
  3. Set-up permissions so that it can be executed. Let’s also rename the executable into barometer:

     chmod +x barometer-amd64-${OS}
     mv barometer-amd64-${OS} barometer

Ensure that you have downloaded barometer correctly, run barometer --version

Compiling from source

Optionally, you can clone and build the binary straight from the source. The following steps require Go 1.11 or above.

First, ensure that Go Modules is enabled:

export GO111MODULE=on

Then, clone the repository and build the binary:

git clone
cd burnout-barometer
go get
go build .

Once you’ve successfully downloaded the executable, head over to the Installation page to setup and deploy your barometer!